Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Task One Cont. - Inspiration Artists

Eyes, Murder, Black.
Humantiy, Interaction, Seperation.

Creation, Nuture, Unnatual.

Task One - Photographs

This photo was one of a series of crime scene murder photographs in my artwork Morte Couture, using technological advances in digital photography. The artwork is a combination of references to society’s growing morbid fascination for death and violence (as demonstrated by the numerous crime investigation shows) to popular culture and mass media’s with the quest for perfection shown by the elegantly dressed model-like women. The photograph Brickworks was shot in the early morning to capture the eerily beautiful yellow light. The texture of the rough bricks contrasts with the soft figure dressed in the white dress, symbolizing her purity and innocence. The intended effects are to disturb the viewer with the obvious violence that has occurred, and also to intrigue by the alluring way in which it she is portrayed.

Having spent most of my childhood in Hong Kong the one particular building that brought about a love for design and architecture for me was the graceful, bold, almost futuristic skyscraper, the Bank of China Tower, by the Chinese- American architect I.M Pei. The structurally expressive design mirrors the elegant stature of bamboo symbolizing livelihood, strength and prosperity. The structure is supported at the corners of the building by five steel columns, with the triangular framework transferring the lateral loads to the columns. The tower is clad in a curtain of glass and aluminium, which reflects the sun rays.

This photo has an exotic and haunting beauty, that I achieved by converting the photograph to black and white then adjusting it so as to take away the mid-range tone. It takes on a very structural composition – the figure being in the middle of the photo, capturing the eye of the viewer. The background is blurry and out of focus portraying the busy goings on of the mysterious Chinatown. This effect highlights the static figure with blood red lips dressed in the contrasting white dress. The photo is intended to captivate the viewer and also unsettle the viewer by her detached and knowing look.

18 Sketch Sections